I had such a great time getting to know each of these girls at our Lisa Cox Photography Elite Head Shot Session. I can not wait for all we will be doing this upcoming year!
Each of these young ladies are not only beautiful but amazing in what they are passionate about.
From Clark Pleasant Middle School:
Maddie is a new member to the society this year and loves cheerleading and dance. When she is not doing those things, you can find her curled up watching Tangled and slipping her Starbucks Pink drink or dancing and goofing off with her friends.
Peyton is involved in dance. Her other hobbies are video games and makeup (my kind of girl). When not doing that stuff she can be found with one of her many pets, cats (Reggie and Simba), dogs (Sadie and Harley) or her bearded dragon (Rango).
From North Knox High School:
Jorja loves spending her time reading, watching movies and hanging with her friends. You can also find her curled up watching The Royal Treatment and enjoying an Ice Caramel Macchiato. I am so honored she drives 2 hours away to be a part of this society.
From Whiteland Community High School:
Lily P loves spending all her time dancing and cheering. Of course when she is not doing that you can find her hanging with friends or her 3 pets, cats (Boomer and Bella) and dog (Oakley). Lily joined the society last year and I have love getting to know her.
Lily D also loves cheering but maybe even a little bit more than that shopping! Can you blame her! She also loves hanging with her boyfriend and friends and stopping by Starbucks for her favorite Mango Dragon Fruit Refresher.
Jessica joined the society last year and I have love getting to know her. She loves show choir and theater at the Creative Grounds Fine Arts Academy. When she has some down time she loves hanging with her friends and her pug (Diesel).
Cadance is a new member to the society this year. She is a part of Sources of Strength and loves to painting and art. I have seen some of her creations and she is amazing! You can also find her chilling and listening to some of her favorites from the Beatles, Queen and My Chemical Romance.
Izzy is also a new member this year too. She loves to cheer and also dance. Also, enjoys ice cream any time with her friends . . . even on the way to chilling and watching her favorite movie, Spiderman - No Way Home. (Awesome movie choice)!
